My name is Annia and MaPetiteBowtique is my home, and as we say in Spanish ¨Mi casa es tu casa¨ :)
And yes, Spanish is my mother tongue; I come from Havana City. At the age of 20 I moved to Beijing, though, in order to pursue a Bachelor in Chinese Language, which I finally got after 5 years there. Then, in the summer of 2009 I came to Sweden, and I have been here ever since. (If you are just a bit good at Math, you should know my age by now :D )
I have always had a thing for art and creating and exploring new things. I did a lot of writing growing up. I would write plays and make all the other kids in the neighborhood (including my older brother!) perform in front of all the neighbors. Or I would write children songs and make my younger cousin Heidy sing along in the hopes of winning some singing competitions, which never happened (she had awful singing skills!) :D
Anyhow, I love dancing, painting, sewing and, of course, taking pics. I, on the other hand, hate chocolate and coffee. Don't hate me please!!! Nobody´s perfect :)
Hope you follow me in my adventures. See you later alligator!
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with my brother, who just became a dad. Congrats!!! :) |
Hola, me llamo Annia, y MaPetiteBowtique es mi casa. Así que: mi casa es tu casa!
Nací en La Habana y a los 20 annos me mudé para Beijing para estudiar Licenciatura en Lengua China, lo cual logré al cabo de 5 annos allá. Desde el verano del 2009 vivo en Gotemburgo, Suecia. (Si son un tin buenos en Matemáticas, ya sabrán qué edad tengo!)
Y nada, siempre había querido hacer relacionado con arte. De pequenna escribía poemas y obras de teatro que luego todos los ninnos del barrio dramatizábamos para los mayores. También escribía canciones y traté de hacer que mi prima pequenna Heidy cantara conmigo en alguna competencia de canto infantil, lo cual no se dio, porque ella no afinaba de ninguna manera!
Y bueno, me gusta bailar, pintar, ver pelis, los idiomas, coser y por supuesto, tomar fotos. No me gusta el chocolate ni el café. Sí, ya sé, nadie es perfecto :(