May 20, 2011

I´m Yours /Soy tuya(o)

For the last days I have been calling clients around Spain, and there was this client who had a GREAT hold in line song. I managed to write down a few words from the lyrics. This is what I got: ¨Open ur heart youll see what love can do look at the sky its the king of magic¨. Something like that. Unfortunately, the client picked the phone fast this time :( I´d rather he didn´t pick :)  Anyways, I googled the lyrics and I found this video, which is veryyy similar in content and melody, but it quite isn´t it. But maybe it still is a Jason Mraz song? Can you help me search?!!! Thanks!!!
Estos últimos días he estado llamando a clientes en Espanna, y hay un cliente que tiene una cancioncita de espera MARAVILLOSA. Traté de escribir la letra, y lo que logré captar es: ¨Open ur heart youll see what love can do look at the sky its the king of magic¨, o algo por el estilo. Buscando en Internet me encontré esta canción que se le parece muchísimo en letra y melodía, pero no es la misma. Quizás la canción que busco sea de este mismo cantante Jason Mraz? Me ayudas a encontrarla???? Gracias!!!

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